Monday, June 2, 2014

Konsep Dasar Konseling Rational Emotive Perilaku Therapy

Konseling Rational Emotive Perilaku Therapy (KREP) adalah konseling yang berorientasi kognitif sejajar dengan konseling Realitas yang dikembangkan oleh Glesser dengan beberapa ciri menonjol, yaitu: bersifat didaktis, aktif, direktif, menekankan situasi sekarang dan berfikir yang lebih rasional serta menekankan pada segi aksi konseli (Hidayah, 2004).Menurut (Corey, 1982) Konseling Rational Emotif prilaku (KREP) adalah salah satu bentuk konseling aktif-direktif yang menyerupai proses pendidikan (education) dan pengajaran (teaching) dengan mempertahankan dimensi pikiran daripada perasaan (Hidayah, 2004). Perkembangan dan modifikasi selalu terjadi, semula KREP menekankan unsur rasional-kognitif, kemudian diperluas dengan memasukkan unsur prilaku. Ellies tertarik dengan teori belajar (conditioning) dan berupaya menerapkan agar konseli secara langsung bisa mengubah prilakunya sendiri (deconditioning), yang akhirnya KREP banyak memakai teknik-teknik konseling behavioral seperti: relaksasi, didaktik, reeduksi, berkhayal, konfrontasi. Ancangan ini telah mengalami evolusi sehingga menjelma menjadi ancangan yang komprehensif dan eklektif yang menekankan unsur-unsur berfikir, menilai atau menimbang, menganalisis, memutuskan, dan melakukan (corey, 2011).  Di dalam model pengelompokan rancangan konseling, model yang dikemukakan oleh (Hansen, dkk. 1982), maka posisi Konseling Rational Emotif prilaku terletak pada garis antara garis rational dan action, tetapi lebih dekat pada garis rasionalnya.
Konseling Rational Emotive Perilaku merupakan salah satu perkembangan terakhir (untuk dekade sekarang) dari behavior klasik. Rancangan prilaku dapat digolongkan dalam empat generasi, sedangkan KREB masuk dalam generasi yang keempat. Perkembangan rancangan konseling behavioral kontemporer dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
Applied behavior analysis
Neobehavioristic meditational S-R model
Social learning theory
Cognitive behavior modification

Applied behavior analysis merupakan perluasan langsung dari teori Skinner yang radikal. The Neo behavioristic meditational stimulus-response model merupakan pendekatan yang diturunkan dari prinsip-prinsip classical and avoidance conditioning yang diperoleh dari teori Pavlov, Guthire, Hull, Mower, dan Miller. Pada rancangan tersebut tingkahlaku yang tidak tampak (covert behavior) sedikit mulai diperhatikan. Social learning theory didasarkan pada Bandura yang makin mementingkan proses mediasi kognitif (cognitive meditational process) di samping perhitungan variable stimulus dan reinforcement eksternal. Cognitive behavior modification merupakan pendekatan yang di tandai dengan perkembangan prosedur yang bermacam-macam, bahkan beberapa diantaranya ada diluar garis konseling behavioral. Salah satu pendekatan yang telah dikategorikan berada diluar garis konseling behavioral adalah Rational Emotive Behavior.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Authentication In Web-Based Applications

Today, information technology is developing rapidly, which allows everyone to communicate from one place to another at a distance of thousands of kilometres. The Data that is sent to it using the telecommunications transmission lines that are not necessarily assured keamananya. When data are being sent through the transmission medium is stolen or altered by the tappers and cracker for particular interests. This is an issue for the telecommunication world especially in the delivery of critical data requiring high intelligence such as information confidentiality kemeliteran, finance bank, the country's confidential information and other important information.

With regard to the control of a variety of safeguards built in hardware and operating systems that are reliable and not corrupted to preserve the integrity of program and data.

To address the problem of it's used to protect authentication data and information on the computer system, in order not to be used or modified people who aren't in the authorization. that information in a computer system can only be accessed by authorised parties and modification while maintaining the consistency and integrity of data in the system.

Authentification is the process in order to validate the user when entering the system, the name and password of the user in check through a process check directly to the list of those who were given the right to enter the system. This authorization is set up by your administrator, webmaster or site owner (holder of the highest rights or those designated in the system. For this process, each user will be on the check of the data they provide such as name, password, and other things not covered may be like hours of use, an allowed location.

Besides the authentification is also one of the many methods used to provide evidence that a particular document is received electronically actually came from the person concerned and does not turn the trick is to send a particular code via e-mail and then the owner of the email mereplay mail or entering a code that has been sent.

Authentication server serves to recognize the user that integrates into the network and contains all the information from the user, in practice usually authentification server has backupp that serves to keep if there are server problems so that networks and uninterrupted service.

In a Web application required a mechanism that can protect data from users who do not have access to it, for example, a Web site that contains photos of the family and is only accessible by members of the family. This mechanism can be implemented in the form of a login process which usually consists of three phases, namely: identification, authentication and authorization

Authentication process in principle serve as a user and a service provider's opportunity in the process of access to the resource. The user must be able to provide the needed information for the service provider is entitled to resourcenya. Being the giver of the service must be able to ensure that the parties are not entitled to will not be able to access this resource.